For Interns
As a young and dynamic organization, the Rural Debate Initiative has many interesting opportunities that will give students a taste of working for a fast-growing nonprofit. See below for some of the open opportunities.
Different Types of Internships
If you are interested in any of the below positions, please send a resume (outlining your past experiences) and a cover letter (explaining why you are interested in interning for RuDI and for these positions specifically) to hello@ruraldebateinitiative.org. Prior to sending these materials through, you should read the linked resources on how to draft a professional resume and cover letter. If we think you are a good fit, we will extend an interview invitation. For all positions, you will receive personalized mentorship from experienced RuDI staff.
*Note: continued involvement as volunteer or intern for 10+ hour per year will qualify you for a RuDI service award. Bronze (10-19 hours), Silver (20-29 hours), Gold (30-39 hours)
Outreach Intern
Social Media Intern
Nonprofit Immersion Intern
Job Duties
• Researching contact information to key stakeholders such as donors and partner schools
• Organizing and inputting information into an Excel spreadsheet
You are a good fit if:
• You have previous experience with Excel
• You great at organizing information
• You enjoy doing research and digging through information
After the internship, you will have gained
• A deepened understanding of the kinds of relationships required to build an organization
• Exposure to strategies in building relationships with key stakeholders
• Preliminary skills in Excel and in writing professional emails
Job Duties
• Edit, create, and post content to our Instagram page
• Serve as a RuDI ambassador in raising awareness about debate in your own feed and help us grow our following
You are a good fit if:
• You are a good writer or editor
• Have previous experience using Canva or other graphic design software
• You are social media savvy and well-connected in the online world
After the internship, you will have gained
• A deepened understanding about the role of social media in growing an organization
• A robust skillset to manage an organization’s social media presence and to create diverse and interesting content
A mix of the previous two positions and additional planning and administrative duties. You will get to sit-in in high-level leadership meetings and see firsthand the inner-workings of a nonprofit.